What does a melanoma look like?

Melanoma looks like a Mole which aspect changes over time:
- It can be a newly appearing mole (in 70-80% of cases)
- Or it can develop on a pre-existing mole (in 20-30%)
The warning signs of melanoma are of 2 types: the ABCDE rule and the “Ugly duckling sign”.
The ABCDE rule means that any change in the size, shape, or color of a newly appearing or a pre-existing mole (or any other skin lesion), as well as any symptom in a mole like: redness, itching, or bleeding is suspicious unless proven otherwise.
A stands for Asymetry: melanoma is asymmetrical
B Border: it has an irregular border
C Color: it has multiple colors or is very dark
D Diameter: usually larger than 6mm
E Evolution: the lesion changes over time
The Ugly Duckling Sign: the mole that looks different than the other moles in a given patient is suspicious unless proven otherwise.